mangalore today
Thursday, September 19


CAA will affect all Indians, says Margaret Alva

CAA will affect all Indians, says Margaret Alva

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, Jan 19 2020: All of us need to remain united at a time when the roots of democracy are being weakened, said Udupi Diocese Bishop Rev Dr Jerald Isaac Lobo.










He was speaking at Samudayotsava 2020, organised by Catholic Sabha of Udupi Pradesh, at Mount Rosary Church in Kallianpur on Sunday. Lobo said, ‘’The number of Christian community members in the diocese has declined when compared to 25 years ago. Christians should be united to seek their rights.’’

Former union minister Margaret Alva said the incidents of assault and protest in the name of Citizenship (Amendment) Act would affect the development of the country. The increase in the assault and protests are a matter of concern for the country.

Confusion is being created in the name of CAA in the country. The birth certificates of our grandparents and forefathers are considered as documents to prove citizenship. The act is not restricted to Christians and Muslims but will affect all Indians, she added.

“I was born as an Indian. I need not prove my citizenship. I will not fill any applications for my citizenship. It is not right to seek documents from the poor to prove citizenship,” Margaret added.

An attempt is being made to threaten the members of Christian community through various means. Politicising the issue of construction of the statue of Jesus Christ in Kanakapura is disgraceful. Why there is a protest against construction of the statue of Jesus Christ in the country? she asked. Those who came to power on the promise of ‘Acche Din’ are showing dictatorship attitude and have not worked for the welfare of the poor, she lamented.

Konkani book on constitution and rights by Edward Larson and a book on the history of Catholic Sabha by Dr Jerald Pinto was released on the occasion.

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