mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


CM applauds Vaibhavi for her daring act of saving mother trapped under auto

CM applauds Vaibhavi for her daring act of saving mother trapped under auto

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, September 10, 2024: Seventh standard student Vaibhavi who in a daring act and with great presence of mind lifted an overturned autorickshaw under which her mother was trapped and helped in saving her mother, has received a word of praise from Chief Minister Sidddaramaiah.

The incident took place at Mulki and the video had gone viral. Vaibhavi’s mother was crossing the road when the mishap took place. Her mother is now undergoing treatment at a hospital in Suratkal.

CM applaugs to girl who saved her mother in a incident

Siddaramaiah who tweeted about the incident, said the girl has done a commendable act by saving her mother without panicking. “The recent incidents wherein people instead of rescuing accident victims keep themselves busy videographing the incident, has been distressing. In such a time, the girl’s daring act has sent a message to the entire society,” the CM has said in his tweet.

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