mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


CPI (M) demands basic facilities for Bangra Kulur

CPI (M) demands basic facilities for Bangra Kulur

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Aug 13, 2012 : The CPI (M) organized a protest in front of the Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) on August 13, Monday, demanding basic facilities for the residents of Bangra Kulur.

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CPI (M) leader Sunil Kumar Bajal said in his protest address that the authorities have neglected Bangra Kulur, which lacks basic amenities, good roads, proper drains, and so on. Owing to unhygienic conditions, the people are exposed to all sorts of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya, he said.

Complaining about the bridge between Bangra Kulur and Mangalore through Dambel, Mr. Bajal said that this bridge, which was constructed in 1979, allows only two wheelers to pass. But it is dangerous even for two-wheelers as several cases of two-wheelers falling off the bridge into the water have been reported in the past, he said.

He stressed that Bangra Kulur needs new lamp posts and good roads, adding that electric poles have to be urgently repaired as they give electric shocks during the rainy season.

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