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Class 10 boy in home quarantine ends life

Class 10 boy in home quarantine ends life

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, July 08, 2020:    A tenth standard student  from Manikattu in Saligrama of Udupi district has reportedly  committed suicide on July 7, Tuesday.



The deceased boy is Karthik. He was a student of Viveka Boys High School, Kota.  It has been gathered that  Karthik and his mother  were placed in home quarantine after someone in the house where his mother worked as a maid had tested positive for Covid-19.  It is learnt the boy who could not go out of the house due to quarantine rules, was greatly depressed and had chosen to end his life.

His last rites will be performed only after the Covid test result is out.

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