Mangaluru, June 05, 2018: The Indian Coast Guard Karnataka joined the Global Game to "Beat the Plastic Pollution" and celebrated World Environment Day on 05 Jun 18 with enthusiastic dignitaries from various walks of life at its premises in Mangalaru viz., Panambur, Coast Guard Residential areas Kankanady, Kunjathbail and Office Complexes at Meenakalaya and Bengre. The main function was held at its State Headquarters at Panambur.
The inauguration of the drive was steered with ‘Befriend a Tree Campaign”, which was aimed to enhance sustainable green cover in the Coast Guard Areas and adjoining beaches. Thereafter, tree plantation campaign was conducted as a part of Give Back to Nature Initiative.
As a part of “Clean the Neighbourhood Campaign”, cleaning of beach areas alongwith Community Interaction Programme was also launched emphasizing relevance of cleanliness and effective removal of plastic materials from our beautiful beaches at Mangaluru.
Mr. Lal Goel, Chairman of Organ Donation India Foundation, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Shri Deepak Jyoti Ghildiyal, IPS, Inspector General of Police Uttarakhand also graced the event alongwith Coast Guard officers, Enrolled Personnel, Civilian Staff, Office Support Staff besides prominent guests from various walks of life.
Deputy Inspector General SS Dasila, TM, Commander, Coast Guard Karnataka reiterated that World Environment Day is the "People’s Day" for doing something to take care of the Earth. That "Something" can be focused locally, nationally or globally; it can be a solo action or involve a crowd. Everyone is free to choose.
“Beat Plastic Pollution”, the theme for World Environment Day 2018, is a call to action for all of us to come together to combat one of the great environmental challenges of our time. Chosen by this year’s host, India, the theme of World Environment Day 2018 invites us all to consider how we can make changes in our everyday lives to reduce the heavy burden of plastic pollution on our natural places, our wildlife and our own health.
Mr. Lal Goel, the Chief Guest for the occasion was highly appreciative of the efforts put in by the Coast Guard not only in saving lives at sea but also sincere efforts put in towards saving the environment in and around coastal belts of Karnataka.
Delivering a talk on the occasion Deputy Commandant Deepika Dhiman on the menace of plastic waste, said that nearly one third of the plastic packaging we use escapes collection systems, which means that it ends up clogging our city streets and polluting our natural environment. Every year, up to 13 million tons of plastic leak into our oceans, where it smothers coral reefs and threatens vulnerable marine wildlife. The plastic that ends up in the oceans can circle the Earth four times in a single year and it can persist for up to 1000 years before it fully disintegrates.
Commandant Gulwinder Singh speaking on the occasion recapped that “If you can’t reuse it, refuse it” as most of us contribute to pollution without even realising it, as it’s a part of our everyday life. It goes without saying that all must try to conserve water and electricity as much as possible. So, on this environment day, some simple alternatives can help you beat plastic pollution and make you a better and responsible global citizen. It’s easier than you think!