Udupi, June 25, 2023: In the past few days, Malpe Beach has been experiencing the arrival of tar balls, causing alarm among local residents and nature enthusiasts. These black-colored tar balls have appeared along with the waves, sparking worries about their impact on the environment.
The presence of tar balls extends across the Malpe, Kola, and Thottam sea shores. This situation poses a threat to marine life as it leads to a decrease in oxygen levels in the water, causing respiratory issues for sea creatures. Tar balls are formed when crude oil leaks into the ocean and subsequently solidifies into balls due to the influence of wind and waves.
According to the US-based National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), tar balls are described as "little, dark-colored pieces of oil that... are often remnants of oil spills but can also be produced from natural seeps, places where oil slowly escapes from the earth surface above some petroleum reservoirs."
The formation of tar balls is attributed to the interaction between oil or oily ballast discarded by seafaring vessels and saline water. It is a recurring phenomenon along India’s western coastline, resulting in pollution on beaches in Karnataka, Goa, and southern Maharashtra. This issue becomes more prominent during the monsoon season.