Mangaluru, January 14, 2025: Corporator Ganesh Kulal who apart from being an elected representative is also known for his social work of cremating unclaimed bodies, has been chosen for the Mangaluru Press Club Award of 2024-25. The Award carries a cash prize of Rs 10,001/-, a citation and memento. The selection was made by a Committee headed by Press Club President P B Harish Rai.
Ganesh Kulal has dedicated himself to the cause of cremating unclaimed bodies, with due respect since the past 25 years and has so far cremated over 1500 bodies. He is also ever willing to shift ill people to hospital and make arrangements for their treatment. Even during Covid lockdown he had made food arrangements for migrant workers and poor.
The Press Club Award will be conferred on him during the Press Club Day celebrations on January 26.