Mangaluru, June 26, 2020: UIlal Police station has been sealed down after a Sub-Inspector serving in the station tested positive on Wednesday. In the past four days apart from the PSI, three women have tested positive in Ullal area and one of them, a woman from Azadnagar had succumbed on Wednesday.
Presently, the Ullal Police Station is functioning from a nearby building and entry of visitors has been banned. Meanwhile, all staff of the station are in self-quarantine. Six staff who were in close touch with the infected PSI have been hospitalised and kept under observation. Their throat swab results are expected on Friday.
Four houses in Ullal Azad Nagar have been sealed down and 26 are placed in quarantine. A house in Ullal Kodi has also been sealed down.
Local MLA U T Khader has asked people of Ullal area to offer Namaz at home as the mosque will not be opened as a precautionary measure.