DC Subodh Yadav visited Kadri Park and found the place littered with plastic. He has suggested that the horticulture department put up more signboards inside the park to create..." />
mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


DC Subodh Yadav inspects Kadri Park

DC Subodh Yadav inspects Kadri Park

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, December 28: DC Subodh Yadav visited Kadri Park and found the place littered with plastic. He has suggested that the horticulture department put up more signboards inside the park to create awareness. He also instructed the engineers to speed up the construction of the protection wall along NH 17, which is currently under construction.

kadri park

Urging officials to keep the park clean and neat, he also requested the deputy director of the department of women and child welfare to put the toy train in working condition within 20 days. He said that a contractor should be appointed to take care of the train and shed maintenance. He also instructed power supply officials to put the lamps in working condition and directed the MCC to make better waste management arrangements at the park.

The DC said that he will discuss all technical snags related to the development of the part with the horticulture department.

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