mangalore today
Sunday, September 08


Dalits demand 24 percent state funds for SC/ST development

Dalits demand 24 percent state funds for SC/ST development

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, February 14: The members of the Dalit community organized a protest against government apathy under the leadership of the Community Party of India (CPI) Marxist and demanded the earmarking of 24 percent state funds for the development of Dalits according to their population in Karnataka. 


Addressing the protestors, Sunil Kumar Bajal, the Mangalore city secretary of CPI (M), said that atrocities on Dalits have increased after the BJP came to power in the state. Criticizing the state government for its failure to protect the interests of Dalits, he said that the CM is sanctioning crores of rupees for the development of temples and mutts, which preserve and promote untouchability and caste system in modern society. He said that Dalits are leading a miserable life owing to meager allocation of funds and diversion of allocated funds. He urged the implementation of a single window concept for various grants meant for SC/ST development.

The Dalits have also demanded the setting up of a Special Component Plan (SCP) according to their population and to increase funds sanctioned for these SCPs, along with 7 percent reservation for STs, Rs. 1 lakh for devadasi and inter-caste marriages, construction of hostels for Dalit students, Rs. 2000 stipend for students, and so on.

Krishnappa Salian, Lingappa Nanthur, Yamuna Pachchanady, Vasudeva, L. T. Suvarna, and others were also present.

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