Mangalore, Nov. 29: St. Thomas Church, Nirkan, Vogga, organized ‘Day for the Aged’ in order to celebrate the contribution of senior citizens on 29th November. The program commenced with Holy Confessions at 9:30AM and Holy Mass. This was followed by a two hour variety entertainment and cultural programme for the aged persons who had assembled there.
Sr. Credencia who was celebrating her 100th year on this day was felicitated. Special prayer was offered to the Lord for his blessings. SVP President Benedict D’souza, Catholic Saba President Stany Lobo, Parish pastoral council Vice President, Stany Lasrado and Fr. Deepu addressed the gathering and shared their words of wisdom. Rev Fr Edwin Correa distributed prizes for winners of various completions.
"I am very happy to be part of this occasion and pray to God almighty to bless you all with long and healthy life. Let us pledge and commit ourselves to take care of our aged people. They have given their best for younger generation and deserve our affection and care,” said Fr. Deepu.
Mr. Alphonse Fernandez welcomed the gathering and SVP Secretary Mr. Robert Fernandes proposed the Vote Of thanks. The program concluded with lunch.
The program was organized under the leadership of Catholic Saba, ICYM and SVP.