Al-Badriya Group of Education Institutions in Krishnapura received Rs five lakh donations from Dr B K Yusuf, president of Dubai Bearys Cultural Forum in a function held at Krishnapura..." />
mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Dr. Yusuf donates Rs. 5 lakh to Al Badriya Group

Dr. Yusuf donates Rs. 5 lakh to Al Badriya Group

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, December 27: Al-Badriya Group of Education Institutions in Krishnapura received Rs five lakh donations from Dr B K Yusuf, president of Dubai Bearys Cultural Forum in a function held at Krishnapura on Monday, December 27.

Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf


Al-Badriya Educational Institution receives Rs 5 Lakh donation from Dr B K Yusuf

Speaking on the occasion, Dr B K Yusuf said that Education plays an extremely important role in our life. A proper education should provide a meaning for life. The importance of education in life cannot be doubted. Education opens up our minds and makes us broadminded. There is no better time than the present to understand this. Gobalization has transformed the world into one big village. It is possible for us to know about the different cultures or events taking place at the other end of the world today. All these have been made possible due to education.

He said that education is not just learning how to read and write, but also understand realities and live life accordingly. He also announced that he will sponsor the education of 5 students of the school every year.

He said that education has broadened our minds, so that we are not confined to our countries and comfort zones anymore. We aren’t trapped in our small worlds, instead we have come out of our shells and begun to explore and learn new things. Learning about new things and different cultures not only adds to our literacy bank but also instills in us humane qualities, he added.

He also said that he will extend financial assistance for five students of the institution every year.

At the end of the programme, Dubai Bearys Cultural Forum president Dr B K Yusuf handed over Rs 5 lac donation to BA Mumthaz Ali, President of managing committee of Al-Badriya Educational Association.

Modeen Bava, Congress Minority Unit president, B K Hamid, Maysaddi, K Mushtaq, Abubakar Siddiq among others were present.

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