mangalore today
Sunday, September 08


Fishing boat capsize in Gangolli: Teenager drowns

Fishing boat capsize in Gangolli: Teenager drowns

Mangalore Today News Network

 Kundapur, Nov, 1, 2013: A 17 year old met a tragic end when the boat in which he along with his father had ventured into fishing capsized in mid sea on October 31, Thursday evening.

boat capsize The deceased boy is Kishan Patel (17), son of Gangadhar Patel and Sumana, residents of Kotegundi in Gangolli.

Gangadhar, a fisherman by profession and had taken his son, a tenth standard student at SV School, Gangolli for fishing on Thursday evening.

But the rough sea and high tidal waves led to the capsize of their boat  and both fell into the water.

When  efforts of Gangadhar to rescue his son went in vain, he swam ashore and alerted other fishermen.A search was launched immediately but  Kishan was untraceable.

Latest reports say his body was traced on November 1, Friday morning.

Gangolli police have registered a case.

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