April 02 2010: Good Friday, the anniversary of the death of Jesus on the Cross is one of the most significant days for the Christians. According to the Gospels, Jesus was put to death on the Friday before Easter Day. Since the early church, Good Friday has been observed by fasting and penance.
On Good Friday the celebration of the Eucharist is suspended in most of the Christian denominations such as the Roman Catholic, the Orthodox and the Anglican traditions. The day has been observed by the meditation at the Stations of the Cross in the forenoon. In the evening, the chief liturgical service involves the Passion narrative from the Gospel of St. John, veneration of the Cross and Communion using bread and wine consecrated the previous day, Maundy Thursday. In many places the Crucifixion scenes are enacted to enhance the visual appeal of the Good Friday.
Mangalore: Good Friday
The Milagress Church
In Dubai, the Good Friday services for the Konkani Catholic community was held from 9am to 11am in St. Mary’s Church, Karama in Dubai. By 9am the church was packed to capacity and thousands had to stand outside in the compound of the Church and St. Mary’s School. At 9am, the Way of the Cross was held for half an hour followed by readings from Prophet Isaiah, Letter of St. Paul to the Hebrews and the Passion of Christ according Evangelist St. John. In the homily, the priest highlighted the significance of Good Friday and pointed out how by dying on the Cross, Jesus redeemed the world.
The homily was followed by intercessional prayers for various causes. Following the Veneration of the Cross Holy communion was brought to the main altar of the church in procession from the altar of repose. After distribution of the Communion, as the faithful went away from the Church they adored and kissed the Crucified Christ at the exit and went away in silence.
Mumbai, Dombivli:
The Good Friday in Dombivli began with the Way of Cross in different languages. During the Way of the Cross in English language, the youth group of the Infant Jesus Parish, Dombivli enacted the Fourteen Stations of the Cross. A large number of people participated in the Way of Cross. The enactment of different scenes pertaining to different Stations of the Cross enhanced the devotion and participation of the parishioners.
Emotional and Prayerful Good Friday Service in Moodubelle
Mounty Thursday: March 01