Mangaluru, April 04, 2023: Following failure of the authorities in opening the bridge linking Harekala to Adyar-Kannur on the National Highway 75, despite repeated request from local residents, on April 4, Tuesday the DYFI with the help of public ensured opening of the gates put up on either ends of the bridge by breaking the locks and allowed movement of two, three and four wheelers.
Though the bridge works in this vented dam cum bridge project was complete its formal inaugural in the presence of elected representatives was not possible due to the model code of conduct. Still following request from locals it was planned to open the bridge for traffic from April 1 onwards, but the same was not possible reportedly due to some technical issue. This had caused resentment among the locals who assisted the DYFI in removing the iron gates on either ends of the bridge.
DYFI District President B K Imtiyaz, Ullal taluk unit DYFI President Rafique Harekala and others were present.