A large number of devotees gathered at the Ullal Mosque to celebrate uroos festival at Ullal Mangalore. The historically famous 418th death anniversary of Hazrath..." />
Mangalore, April 2: The historically famous 418th death anniversary of Hazrath Quthubuzzaman Asseyyid Muhammed Shareeful Madani Tangal and 19th Ullal uroos began on April 1. A large number of devotees gathered at the Ullal Mosque to celebrate uroos festival.
Tajul Ulema Assayyed Abdurrahman Al Bukhai, Kazi of Ulll , was presided over the function. He carried out the ‘Dua ritual’ at the beginning. Syed Hussain Shihab Tangal Panakkad spoke about the importance of uroos and its history in his inaugural speech.
On the occasion, a souvenir, especially brought out for the function, was released by Fazal Pookoya Jifri. All India Sunni Ulema Union general secretary, Maulana A P Abubakker Musliyar Kantapuram were the key speakers.
The other dignitaries present on the dais were, Syed Atakoya Tangal Kumbol, Dr Hussain Sakafi Chullikode, MLA, U T Khader, Syed Hasanul Ahadal Tangal, Abbas Musliyar Manjanady.