mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Home Guards organize 24-hour protest demanding basic facilities

Home Guards organize 24-hour protest demanding basic facilities

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Aug 14, 2012 : The Home Guards of DK, under the banner of CITU, organized a 24-hour dharani sathyagraha on August 13, Monday. Addressing protestors, Lingappa Nanthoor, president of the Dalita Hakkugala Horata Samithi, said that the Home Guards are being denied basic government facilities.

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Kumari Renuka Kateel, convener of the Dalita Hakkugala Horata Samithi, said that Home Guard Commandant Nidarsh Hegde harasses the Home Guards and makes them work at Bajpe Airport and on occasions such as Independence Day, Shivarathri, Rajyothsava, Krishnashtami, Mahanavami, Ramzan, Ganesh Chathurthi, and others without even giving them the proper salary they deserve.

She demanded daily wage hike, permanent job, government security, ration cards, houses or quarters, medical facilities, transportation facilities at night, and so on for the Home Guards.

Keshava Shettigar, Sunil Kumar Bajal, Vasanth Achary, and others took part in the protest.


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