mangalore today
Monday, July 08
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House burgled at Mulki; valuables worth Rs 2 lakh stolen

House burgled at Mulki; valuables worth Rs 2 lakh stolen

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, July 5, 2025: Thieves who broke into a house at Balkunje Neeralike of Mulki police station limits during the wee hours of Thursday have decamped with cash and valuables worth over Rs 2 lakhs.

House burgle

The theft occurred in the house of Shekhabba and came to light when  his daughter got up at 4.30 to go to the washroom.

It is learnt the thieves and locked the front door from outside and then entered the house by breaking open the rear door using a rod.

Mulki police have visited the spot along with finger print experts and dog squad.

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