mangalore today
Sunday, September 29


Houses near Dompadabali fields in Jappinamogaru have been inundated.

Houses near Dompadabali fields in Jappinamogaru have been inundated.

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, June 26, 2024: Due to the heavy rains that have been pouring since last night, low-lying areas in the Jappinamogaru region of the city have been inundated. There have been reports of water entering homes in the low-lying areas near Dompadabali fields.


Previously, these areas were paddy fields, but they have now been converted into layouts. The main road in this area has been concretized, leading to allegations from locals that the lack of proper drainage systems is causing these low-lying areas to flood.

Despite having informed the city corporation officials earlier, no response was received, prompting locals, led by the Tulu Nadu Rakshana Vedike, to plan a protest meeting. Local municipal council member Veena Mangala also visited the site and urged officials to take urgent action. Following assurances from municipal engineers and the council member to arrange for drainage, the public decided to call off the protest meeting.

Creating Drainage by Cutting Concrete Roads?

Municipal officials have suggested cutting the concrete road to create drainage. However, this would cause inconvenience to buses and other vehicles traveling between Jappinamogaru and Bajal. Despite this, local corporator Veena Mangala assured that with public cooperation, a solution would be implemented within 15 days by cutting the road.

Meetings are usually held in advance of the rainy season, but such drastic measures like cutting concrete roads should not be necessary. Proper drainage systems should have been planned during the initial road construction to ensure smooth water flow. If the concerned engineers and officials had taken appropriate steps, such a situation could have been avoided, stated Yogesh Shetty Jappinamogaru, president of Tulu Nadu Rakshana Vedike.

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