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International Day against Drug Abuse observed in city

International Day against Drug Abuse observed in city

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, June 26, 2012: The department of psychiatry of Justice K. S. Hegde Charitable Hospital and Link Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts in Mangalore observed International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Rosario Church Hall on June 26, Tuesday. 

Seemanth Kumar Singh, Mangalore police commissioner, inaugurated the event and said that educating young people about the dangers of drug abuse is the need of the hour. Stating that drugs cannot solve life problems, he urged young people to avoid using drugs and fight against drug abuse.

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The chief speaker of the occasion was Dr. Satheesh Rao, the head of the department of psychiatry in KSHEMA. Addressing the gathering, he said that studies indicate a rise in drug abuse in Mangalore and many young people between the ages of 15 and 20 are falling prey to it. 

Stating that people bring friends and relatives to the rehabilitation centre when they are dying, he said that it will be very difficult to cure and rehabilitate people who are in the advanced stages of drug abuse. He urged people to bring addicts when they are in the early stages of addiction so that the problem can be solved at the earliest. 

Stating that only the younger generation can fight drug abuse, he urged young people not to take drugs even out of curiosity. 

Asha Nayak, president of the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), also spoke on the occasion. Nitte University Chancellor Vinaya Hegde presided.

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