’Ksheeranjali’ an infotainer conceived & directed by Sithesh C Govind released by DEVDAS KAPIKAD, renowned Theatre Artist on 16th Nov. Friday 2012 at KMF Kulshekar, Mangalore.
’Ksheeranjali’ -The success story of milk is an unique Infotainer film under the banner of Karnataka Milk Federation for children’s film category. Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) has taken a unique initiative where in it aims at inspiring and educating new generation especially school Kids.
’Ksheeranjali’ -the success story of milk is an unique infotainer awakening new generation to get into Dairy farming in their own home land. Today our generation is more focused to white color profession like engineering, medical etc. which will earn only monetary benefits.
This infotainer Ksheeranjali is a humble effort which is put up in cinematic way which is purely coincidental to show the difference in opinion between two generation; blending values, bonding and humanity. The film has been conceived and directed by Sithesh C Govind.