The Kerala State Muslim Youth League (KSMYL) (Kasargod district committee) organized a dharna in front of the Air India office in Mangalore, during which they demanded..." />
mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


KSMYL organizes protest against Air India

KSMYL organizes protest against Air India

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, December 28: The Kerala State Muslim Youth League (KSMYL) (Kasargod district committee) organized a dharna in front of the Air India office in Mangalore, during which they demanded that the AI compensate the air crash victims in full.










Abdulla Kunhi Cherkala, former MLA and president of KSMYL (Kasargod district committee), said that the AI had chosen H. D. Nanavathi of Mulla and Mulla Associates deliberately because he is a Maharashtrian who does not care for the welfare of the air crash victims, who belong to Kerala and Karnataka.

Regarding the unfulfilled promise of Praful Patel, the union civil aviation minister, that the kin of the air crash victims will be paid compensation worth $1,60,000 or Rs. 76 lakh as per the provisions of the Montreal Convention, Cherkala said that the authorities are not doing the victims’ kin a favor by giving them this compensation, but will be giving them what rightfully belongs to them as per international law.

Advocate N. Shamsuddin, the state general secretary of KSMYL (state unit), inaugurated this protest and warned AI that KSMYL will intensify its protests if it continues to ignore the victims’ demands. More than 100 protestors, including the family members of the air crash victims, participated in this event. Stating that the AI ought to have compensated the families in full within the past seven months, he said that the attitude of the AI is very disappointing.

The protestors submitted a memorandum to Praful Patel, the civil aviation minister of India, through Chellam Prasad, the Mangalore station manager of AI. In their memorandum, the protestors have demanded the full amount of $1,60,000 or Rs. 76 lakh as compensation, according to the provisions of the Montreal Convention, to rehabilitate the families of the victims, and liberalize all legal formalities in compensation distribution.

KSMYL office bearers such as C. T. Haider Ali, Moideen Kollambady, A. Hameed Haji, M. S. Mohammed Kunnhi, C. L. Rasheed, K. K. Abdulla Kunhi, and others participated in the protest.

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