mangalore today
Tuesday, September 17


Mangaluru: 32 year old man commits suicide

Mangaluru: 32 year old man commits suicide

Mangaluru, Jan 16, 2024: A 32 year old man has ended his life by hanging himself at his residence near the Madoor Ayyappa Bhajana Mandir.


Nagaraj Shetty

The deceased is Nagaraj Shetty. He was an e-kart employee and had returned  home from work on Monday night as usual. His mother was away at his sister’s house as the latter had delivered a baby. His younger brother and aunt were at home but they came to know about the suicide only this morning when Nagaraj did not open the door. The door was later broken open.

Though the exact cause of the death is not known, financial constraint is believed to be the reason. Nagaraj’s younger brother was maritally engaged while Nagaraj had reportedly shown disinterest in marriage.

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