Mangaluru, Jan 26 2019: A three-day Flower and Fruits Show organised at the Kadri Park was inaugurated by DK District in-charge Minister U T Khader on January 26, Saturday. The show is being held under the joint aegis of the Department of Horticulture, Zilla Panchayat, District Administration, Kadri Park Development Committee and Siri Horticulture Association.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said the government would take steps to study the possibility of giving more priority to river front tourism right from Kundapur to Kasargod.
Mangaluru South MLA Vedavyas Kamath, MLC Ivan D’Souza, ZP Chief Meenakshi Shanthigodu, ZP Vice President Kasturi Panja, TP Chief Muhammad Monu, Deputy Commissioner Sasikanth Senthil, ZP CEO Selvamani, MUDA Commissioner Srikanth Rao and others were present.
Flower models of a floating ship, car and cone ice cream attracted a lot of people at the flower show.
Another special attraction was the sale of vegetable saplings for Re 1 by the Horticulture Department.