mangalore today
Monday, September 16


Mangaluru International Airport readies inclusive workforce to handle runway friction tester

Mangaluru International Airport readies inclusive workforce to handle runway friction tester

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, September 5, 2024: Mangaluru International Airport has made significant strides in promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the aviation infrastructure industry, an area traditionally dominated by a male workforce, particularly in technical roles on the airside. The airport has trained an internal team of three engineers to operate the newly inducted Airport Surface Friction Tester (ASFT), a critical tool for runway maintenance.

Mangalore Airport Surface Friction Tester

The certified team includes Prabhakaran Sundaram (electrical engineer), Shefali Mhaldar (civil engineer), and Prasanna Rangarajan (mechanical engineer), who will be responsible for driving and calibrating the ASFT, which helps assess runway friction. This equipment is essential for ensuring passenger safety, as rubber residue left by aircraft wheels can make runways slippery.

The team’s certification by Moventor, a Finnish OEM, marks a notable achievement for the airport. The tests will be conducted every 45 days to ensure the runway is in optimal condition.

Mangaluru International Airport’s Chief Officer stated, "Training this trio ensures business continuity and reflects our commitment to safety, diversity, and experience. It also allows us to share our expertise with other airports requiring this specialized equipment."

The successful integration of this diverse team represents a significant step forward for the airport and the aviation industry as a whole.

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