Mangaluru, January 6, 2025: The Mangaluru police have arrested Kishore Kumar, a resident of Kilpady village in Mulky taluk of Dakshina Kannada district, who had failed to appear for over two decades before a local court in a criminal case.
The Mulky police said Kumar was among the two persons booked in a case in which the two were accused of trespassing into a land in Kilpady and felling trees in March 2000. He was accused of offences punishable under Sections 427, 447, 379 and 506 of Indian Penal Code. Soon after he left to Dubai and worked there as a driver. As he failed to appear before the court in the trail of the case, the jurisdictional court had issued a warrant.
The Mulky police was tipped off of Kumar’s recent visit to the home town. A team of officers arrested him, and he was produced before the court, the police said.