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Minimum protection measures must be ensured before approving house plan: Minister Krishna Byregowda

Minimum protection measures must be ensured before approving house plan: Minister Krishna Byregowda

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, June 27, 2024: State Revenue Minister Krishna Byregowda has issued stern instructions to the local administrative bodies to mandatorily ensure minimum protection measures prior to approving house plans submitted by the public for construction of houses.


He was addressing a high level meeting of officials at the MCC Meeting Hall on Wednesday night after visiting Madani Nagar in Ullal where four members of a family died after a compound wall collapsed over their house.

There is a need to avert such tragedies, he said adding top priority is to ensure safety and security of the public.

He regretted the occurrences of such man made human tragedies at a time when the administration is working round the clock to avert natural disasters.

He also suggested formation of teams at every village level with the objective of disaster management.

State Disaster Management Officer Lakshmi Mahesh, DC Mullai Muhilan, ZP CEO Dr Anand K, DCP Siddarth Goyal, MCC Commissioner Anand C L and others were present.


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