The eve of the Annual Parish Feast which coincided with the Centenary Celebration of the foundation of the Belle Parish was observed with solemn Vespers (Besp)..." />
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Thursday, September 19


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks

Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks

Mangalore Today News Network

Moodubelle, 05 January 2011: The eve of the Annual Parish Feast which coincided with the Centenary Celebration of the foundation of the Belle Parish was observed with solemn Vespers (Besp) which is essentially the Bible Service at 6.30 pm on Tuesday, 4th January 2011. Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, Epsicopal Vicar of the Udupi District was the chief celebrant who also delivered a powerful sermon in Kannada on the newly flattened Cross Hill.





Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


Moodubelle: Vespers (Besp) celebrated with Bible Service and beautiful Fireworks


At 6.30 pm, people who had gathered in the church went in procession led by the Cross-bearer and band to the Cross Hill followed by Altar Servers, priests, nuns and the main celebrant and the miraculous statue of St. Lawrence mounted on the floral decorated ‘Cherel’. While the choir, Altar Servers and the chief celebrant, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes occupied the newly built stage on the Cross hill in front of the traditional Cross, the people gathered on the newly created ground in front. The entire service on the Cross Hill was conducted in the Kannada language so that everyone including non-Christian brethren could understand the significance of the evening.

Following the introduction and reading passages from the Holy Scriptures in Kannada, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes in his homily also in Kannada highlighted the significance of the Bible Service and the importance of the Word of God in the lives of each and every one. Referring to the patron saint of the belle parish, ‘the miracle worker’ St. Lawrence, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes said that the saint lived the ‘Word of God’ and became a witness to the teachings of Christ by laying down his life for the his beliefs. Giving a number of examples, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes emphasised the importance of imbibing the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospels. He made an appeal to the young people not to shun the ways of Christ being lured by the modern gadgets and to remember that Jesus Christ is the truth, light and the way.

Following the sermon and the prayer of the faithful, Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes blessed the ‘Cherel’. Thereafter, people returned to the church in procession with lighted candles going down to the Main Road by right side and entering through the main gate. It took quite some time for all the people to proceed with the procession while the choir led by Fr. Paul Sequeira sang hymns in Kannada.

As people gathered in the church at the end of the procession, the Blessed Sacrament was venerated and the service ended with the blessing. Fr. Joswey Fernandes thanked Rev. Dr. Baptist Menezes, the chief celebrant of the evening and also all the priests and nuns as well as the parishioners who attended the Vespers. He also announced that the band from Udyavar which played melodious religious tunes was sponsored by Mr. Victor Jacintha D’Souza; candles were sponsored by Mrs. Violet Gaga; and Mrs. Reena D’Souza sponsored the fireworks.

As people came out of the church they were treated to beautiful fireworks that lighted the night sky. Varieties of fireworks delighted the people who turned their eyes towards the sky above the church tower. The colourful lighting of the entire church facade and the surrounding areas and the light cool breeze added to the festive ambience. The church premises with enthusiastic parishioners and the stalls which were already in place gave a taste of the celebrations that people would the Annual Feast day tomorrow which will mark the penultimate day in the Centenary Celebration of the foundation of the parish of Belle dedicated to St. Lawrence.

Earlier in the morning at 7.30 am, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza offered Mass as the remembrance of the departed souls of Modubelle parish. Fr. Charles Menezes in his homily recalled the sacrifices that our forefathers had done to keep the faith alive in the parish. He recalled the service of many parishioners who worked hard to make the parish of Belle what it is today.

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