Mangalore, Sep 25, 2013: Dr Jancy James, Vice Chancellor of Central University of Kerala has stressed the need for expansion of the scope of higher education as there were not enough educational institutions and universities for students to enroll to.
She was delivering the key-note address at a national workshop on ‘Changing Contours of Indian Economy’ organised by Department of Economics of St Aloysius College and Association of Mangalore University College Teachers (AMUCT) here on September 24, Tuesday.
Dr James further strongly advocated inclusiveness and equity in admissions to higher educational institutions. She said it may be difficult to ensure quality and excellence in education unless there were the provisions to make changes in curriculum.
Fr Swebert D’Silva, Principal of St Aloysius College, presided over the function. Dr A. Narayana, Assistant Professor in Azim Premji University, Bangalore and noted columnist, Dr Norbert Lobo, President of AMUCT, Dr Muzaffar Assadi, Professor of Political Science, University of Mysore, Dr PP Sajimon, Head of the Post Graduate Economics Department were the resource persons.