Mangalore, Mar 3: The Dakshina Kannada Working Journalist’ Union submitted a memorandum to Gopal Hosur, the IGP of Western Range, and to Dr. A Subrahmanyeshwar Rao, Superintendent of Police on March 3, Wednesday, following the attack on two Kannada dailies “Kannada Prabha” and “Jayakirana.”
Speaking on the occasion, Superintendent of Police A S Rao said that the attack on the offices of the Kannada dailies on Tuesday was a well-planned move, adding that the offenders had covered their tracks well by using fake number plates on their getaway vehicles.
The police checked the registration numbers supplied by alert eyewitnesses who immediately wrote down the numbers of a rickshaw and a bike, which the miscreants used to make a getaway. They found that the numbers belonged to people who were totally unconnected to the crime. The SP has created special teams to investigate the case.
The police department invited reporters and administrators of all the TV channels and newspapers to discuss the possibilities of upgrading security facilities at media houses. Gopal B Hosur, the inspector general of police of western range, presided over this meeting. When press people voiced their concern over the issue, the IGP said that the police stations have been given special instructions to provide security to media offices within their jurisdiction.
The representatives condemned the attack on newspapers in the memorandum. The union also expressed concern over the recent rise in the number of attacks on media persons and organizations.