Mangalore, Aug 18: The police have arrested Shameer who allegedly sold his two-day-old baby to a couple in Kerala and Badruddin who acted as the middleman. They have also launched a manhunt for K. Abdul Khader who allegedly helped Shameer sell the baby. Action will also be taken against the couple, who purchased the baby for Rs. 49,500.
Mangalore Police Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh told reporters on Wednesday that Shameer took the baby from his wife Rahmath when she was discharged on June 28 and gave it to Badruddin and Khader.
Rahmath lodged a complaint with the Panambur police, who registered a case under Sections 34, 363, and 368 IPC and Column 20 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act, 2000.
Police investigation revealed that Shameer had sold the baby to Badruddin because a couple from Kerala who wanted to adopt a baby had approached him. Police say that the lengthy processes of adopting a baby might have forced the couple to take this step.
Badruddin stands accused of several such offences, said the police commissioner. He also said that the baby has been returned to its mother and the amount has been recovered from the accused.
Rahmath had delivered the baby at a private hospital on June 26 and Shameer had sold the baby just two days later.