mangalore today
Monday, September 09


Presence of mind of bus crew saves life of student who suffered heart attack

Presence of mind of bus crew saves life of student who suffered heart attack

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, July 31, 2024: The crew of a bus on Route No. 13F showed great presence of mind in immediately shifting to the hospital a student who developed chest pain while travelling in the bus on Tuesday and thus helping in saving the latter’s life.

Krishna Prasad 13f bus

The bus named Krishna Prasad was as usual plying on its route when a college student suffered chest pain. On realizing that he has suffered a heart attack the bus driver Gajendra Kunder and conductor Mahesh Poojary wasted no time and drove the bus straight to the Fr Muller Hpspital by using the siren like the ones in an ambulance. The bus reached the hospital which was six kms away in six minutes and immediately the bus driver and conductor shifted the student to the casualty ward. Thus a treatment in the nick of time has saved the life of the student.

The bus crew have won a lot of praise for their presence of mind and great humanitarian deed.

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