mangalore today
Sunday, June 30
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Puttur: Compound wall collapses over house; children rescued

Puttur: Compound wall collapses over house; children rescued

Mangalore Today News Network

Puttur, June 27, 2024: A compound wall collapsed over a house resulting in partial damage to the house near Jainaraguri in Bannur of Puttur taluk during the wee hours of Thursday. Children of the house who were asleep and were caught beneath the piles of stones and mud, were immediately rescued by other members of the family.

Compound wall

The compound wall of a neighbor collapsed over the house of Majeed when the family was asleep. This led to the damage of a portion of the wall and the children who got trapped were rescued in the nick of time.

Locals assisted the family in clearing the debris. Local administrative body officials visited the spot.

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