Mangaluru, July 14, 2022: The new team of office bearers of Port Town Advanced Toastmasters Club, Mangalore, for the year 2022–2023, led by President Savitha Salian, was installed at a glittering function held at Hotel The Ocean Pearl recently.
The chief guest on the occasion was Dr. Dilip G. Naik, Pro Vice Chancellor of MAHE. In his address, Dr Dilip Naik said that leadership is an art that is learnt through training, practice, listening, and absorption. "It is important for leaders to be humane and communicate with a smile," he said.
Toastmasters Area Director Sahana Bhandary administered the oath of office to the new team, which comprises Sangeeta Fernandes (Vice-President—Education), Anu Sharma (Vice-President—Membership), Trisha D’Souza (Vice President—Public Relations), Frances Pinto (Secretary), Molly Chaudhuri (Treasurer), and Geeta Pereira (Sergeant-at-Arms).
Outgoing President Maria D’Costa thanked her team and club members for their cooperation. In her acceptance speech, Savitha Salian said that joining Toastmasters has been the best decision of her life, as this movement has transformed her.
Shalini Prabhu, Division Director, welcomed new members: Peter Antony Pinto, Smitha Hegde, Seema Sanghvi, and Shivangi Sharma.
Division Director Daryl Rodricks and Area Directors Sahana Bhandari along with Dr Meera Rao, Shabana Zakir, (President, Inspiron Toastmasters), Reena Monteiro, (President, Winners Club Toastmasters), Kavitha Kamath, (Vice-President Education, Mangalore Toastmasters), Hamdan Siddique (President, St Joseph Engineering College) and Sharline Rodricks (President, Milagres Toastmasters), Shameen Kunil (New Age Organisation) and Vasanthi Kamath (Inner Wheel North) expressed best wishes to the new team.
Radhika Adappa and Shivani Baliga welcomed the gathering. Outgoing Secretary Malini Hebbar presented the annual report. Vidya Shenoy rendered the prayer. Frances Pinto gave a vote of thanks. Bhaskar Kiran and Sangeeta Fernandes compered the programme.