mangalore today
Thursday, September 19


Situation in BC Road calm; cops on alert

Situation in BC Road calm; cops on alert

Mangalore Today News Network

Bantwal, September 16, 2024: The situation in BC Road which was tense on Monday morning over the provocative statements made by VHP leader Sharan Pumpwell and  Bantwal TMC’s former president Mohammad Sharief, is presently under control.

Hundreds of Sangh Parivar activists had  gathered in front of the Rakteshwari Temple at BC Road on Monday morning protesting against the statement of Sharief. Even VHP leaders Sharan Pumpwell and Puneeth Attavar were present.


The situation calmed down with the intervention of police officials. It may be recalled here that Sharief as well as Sharan and Puneeth are facing cases over their provocative remarks.

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