Mangaluru, June 30, 2023: Following the recent outbursts of Prajaprabhutva Vedike leader Mahesh Shetty Thimarody regarding the Sowjanya rape and murder case, former MLA Abhayachandra Jain convened a press meet in the city on Friday and accused Thimarody of trying to misuse the Sowjanya family even after the CBI court acquitted the lone accused Santosh Rao in the case.
He said Dheeraj Jain, Mallik Jain and Uday Jain who were suspects in this case were ready to visit Kanathur Temple within ten days to prove their innocence.
They also have challenged Thimarody too to be present on the occasion, Abhayachandra Jain said.
Dheeraj Jain who was present at the press meet said though they were supposed to visit Kanathur shrine on January 19, 2014, the temple in a letter said the schedule has been changed. “Still we had been to the temple but Thimarody had not come,” he alleged and accused Thimarody of spreading misinformation in this case.
Dheeraj Jain said they had undergone all tests including blood test, DNA test, brain mapping and lie detector checks and their call details were also examined. He said the court has also said that they were not required for further probe. Still in November 2016, the CBI court asked us to appear before it, he said.
Dheeraj also said the three of them were ready for another probe if needed.
Mallik Jain and Uday Jain were also present.