Henry D’Souza, the Sangeet Samrat of Mumbai, and his team were the highlights of the second day of the World Konkani Cultural Convention in Kalaangan..." />
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Sunday, September 08


World Konkani Convention: Sangeet Samrat entertains audience

World Konkani Convention: Sangeet Samrat entertains audience

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Nov 27: Henry D’Souza, the Sangeet Samrat of Mumbai, and his team were the highlights of the second day of the World Konkani Cultural Convention in Kalaangan. The day was dedicated to Mumbaikars, who kept the huge crowd gathered at Kalaangan amused and entertained.

Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience


Konkani Convention Day 2 – Sangeet Samrat entertains audience

The Sangeet Samrat and his team presented popular numbers such as “Ye Ye Katrina,” sung by Henry D’Souza and Aparna Mayekar; “Daryacha Daryacha Laarani,” sung by Henry and Anita Samson; and many more for nearly one hour. After a brief stage entertainment, “Sezarnichi Kombi,” a tiatr, was presented by Tony Martis of Mumbai and group.

Henry and his team were accompanied by local musicians under the leadership of Benjamin Miranda, Roshan on the lead guitar, Richard Monteiro on keyboard, Angel on the trumpet, James and Sachin Sequeira on the Saxophone, and Ashit on the bass guitar.

Albert W. D’Souza was the chief guest of the event; and the guest of honor was John B. D. Silva. Piyus Vaz presided over the function and Henry Lobo was the raibari (representative).

In his address, Albert D’Souza congratulated Mandd Sobhann for organizing a cultural extravaganza of 25 days. John D’Silva spoke of the need to set up a Konkani Academy and Konkani Bhavan in states populated with Konkani speaking people in a bid to preserve and promote Konkani language and culture. He also spoke of the importance of organizing Konkani cultural festivals annually.

Piyus Vaz said in his presidential address that he regrets not being able to witness all the 25 days of the event. Lauding Mandd Sobhann and its leaders Louis Pinto and Eric Ozario, he said that they are doing all in their power to rejuvenate Konkani and hand it over to the next generation.

Raibari Henry Lobo spoke of the need to organize annual Konkani cultural programmes in Mumbai, promising to extend all possible help from Mumbai Konkanis to Mandd Sobhann.

“Sezarnichi Kombi,” which was enacted immediately after the stage programme, had all the ingredients of romance, comedy, and action. The crowd expressed its appreciation by cheering whenever it got the opportunity.

The comperer of the evening’s programme was Jerry Rasquinha.

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