Mumbai, Mar 18, 2017: In an unfortunate development, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s father, Krishnaraj Rai (78) passed away earlier on Saturday at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital. The actor’s spokesperson confirmed to media, “Yes, it is true that Mr Krishnaraj Rai has passed away.” He was reportedly fighting cancer and was in hospital for over a month.
Aishwarya along with Abhishek Bachchan and the whole family were by his side all this while when he was hospitalised. Last week, he was shifted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) when his health deteriorated further. Aishwarya’s spokesperson had confirmed his ill health earlier, “All I can tell you right now is that yes, Krishnaraj Rai, Aishwarya Rai’s father is hospitalised and is in the ICU. It is a delicate situation and can’t tell you anything more.”
All this while, Aishwarya was taking full care of her father while husband Abhishek Bachchan and father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan were very much by her side along with other family members.
He is survived by his wife Vrinda Rai, son Aditya Rai and daughter Aishwarya. The actor was very close to her father and he was very fond of his granddaughter Aaradhya Bachchan with whom he was often spotted.
According to doctors, he was admitted to the Bandra-based hospital over 20 days back and required a ventilator and intensive care support. He was shifted to the ICU a little over last week.
Krishnaraj Rai, hailing from Kawdoor near Mangaluru. He leaves behind wife Brinda, son Aditya, daughter Aishwarya, granddaughter Aaradhya Bachchan and other family members and well-wishers. Last rites will be held at Pavanhams crematorium at Santa Cruz on Saturday night.