mangalore today

Cancer cases rising by 1 per cent every year in Karnataka

Bengaluru, Oct 28, 2023: Karnataka’s cancer incidence is projected to be rising by one per cent every year, with females being more affected. Cases of breast cancer constitute the highest incidence, followed by cervix and ovarian cancer.



Dr Suresh Babu, Medical Oncologist, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology (KMIO), said, “Previously, cervical cancer cases had the highest incidence, but are showing a downward trend now with improved screening. Breast cancer has taken over in the last decade with a changing lifestyle resulting in a higher number of cases.”

Though screening for breast cancer has improved in urban areas, there is still a need to create awareness among rural women. It is observed that women in rural parts of Karnataka still avoid getting screened for a lump in the breast, resulting in late diagnosis.

Dr Babu explained that beyond the stigma associated with getting regularly screened for breast cancer, rural women cannot avail of facilities like ultrasound and mammography tests. This adds to the burden of rural women getting diagnosed in the metastatic stage.

Another factor is women’s ignorance towards getting lumps checked as they are painless, particularly in the breast. With October observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr Shabber Zaveri, Chairman, Head of Department and Consultant, Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery, Manipal Hospital, also highlighted a changing trend of more breast cancer cases among younger women.

Previously, women in the 50s-60s were diagnosed with breast cancer, now women in their 30s are also diagnosed with it. Changes in lifestyle like late marriages, reduced breastfeeding period or work-related stress are said to be the cause.

The September 2023 report released by KMIO estimated 87,000 new cancer cases in the state. There are more than 37.5 lakh cases in India, of which 2.3 lakh cases are from Karnataka. In Bengaluru, lung, stomach, prostate and oesophagus cancers are predominant in males, and breast, cervix, ovarian and corpus uteri are leading cancer sites in females.

Cases of childhood cancer (0-14 years) have also seen a rising trend, mainly of leukaemia and lymphoma. It constitutes 7.9 per cent of all cancer cases seen in India and 2 per cent of all cases in Bengaluru. 

Courtesy: Indian Express