Mangalore, August 25: Burglars broke open the doors of Mariamma Mahishamardhini Temple, located at Bolar, Mangalore and stolen away around Rs 2 lakh. The incident took place on the night of Tuesday, August 24.
The incident came to light, when priest of the temple went to open the temple in the morning. Thieves have opened the main doors of the temple and plundered the money accumulated in several Hundis. All the cash boxes have been looted now. They have also pull down the cash boxes kept in front of the Sanctum Sactorum .
Pandeshwara Police investigating the case said that the temple administrators have not appointed any security guards to guard the temple in the night as well as day. Earlier, the same Pandeshwara police have received a complaint from the administrators of temple about a burglary in the temple. Police are still trying to trace the culprits. This is the second attempt made by the thieves. The total value of the stolen property is estimated to be Rs. 2 lakh, they said.