Mangalore, April 19: Mangalore Police Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh said that the crime rate has plummeted by 25 percent. He was addressing reporters at a press conference held on the police grounds on April 19, Tuesday. Revealing statistics, he said that a total of 902 cases were registered in 2009 and 869 were registered in 2010.
Lauding police officials, he said that they have done a great job with the help of Police Control Room (PCR) vehicles provided to them. He also said that the police department intends to provide 10 more PCR vehicles and kits to each police station based on how effectively the PCRs are used to deal with law and order situations. Each kit comprises an electric baton, a fire extinguisher, rain coats, digital cameras, aprons, and other required items. Currently, the entire commissionerate has 70 motorcycles, he said.
Urging NGOs and the general public to control traffic in Mangalore, he urged members of the public to register at the local police station on or before April 26. He said that, if the department gets good response, each person will be formally checked and training will be provided so that he/she can help manage traffic. At the end of the training session, each person will receive special jackets and identity cards, which they can use to control traffic in situations such as processions, rallies, floods, and others. The commissioner added that this is an initiative to foster better relationships between the public and the police department and that it is very successful in Bangalore.
DCP (crime) M. Muthuraya and others were also present.