Mangaluru, January 24, 2025: The annual four day Flowers and Fruits show commenced at Kadri Park on January 23, Thursday. The show has been organized by the Department of Horticulture, District Administration, Zilla Panchayat and Kadri Park Development Committee in association with Siri Horticulture Association and other departments.
A replica of Eiffel Tower made of flowers, is a special attraction of the event. The replica has been made using 2 lakh flowers and is 22 feet tall and 12 feet wide.
A replica of Kambala buffalo pair made of Siri Dhanya and decorative leaves, Yakshagana replica also are attracting visitors. The fruits and flower show has over 100 stalls.
The show as inaugurated by Dakshina Kannada MP Capt Brijesh Chowta. MLC Ivan D’Souza, Mayor Manoj Kumar Kodikal, Cashew Development Corporation Chief Mamatha Gatti, Deputy Commissioner Mullai Muhilan, ZP CEO Dr Anand, Horticulture Department Deputy Director Manjunath D, Senior Assistant Director Pramod, Siri Horticulture Association Vice President Dr Nirmala and others were present.