Mangaluru: August 24, 2015: Now that the severity of rain has reduced, the prices of fish have dropped considerably-by one-third of the peak levels seen three to four months back and half of the retail price seen last fortnight.
Seer fish is now retailing at Rs 350 to Rs 400 per kilo from a peak of Rs 1,000 seen three months back. However mackerel is still at a peak rate of Rs 250 per kg. Just a month ago, the cost of premium variety of fish has reached unheard-o flevels with white pomfret costing more than Rs 1,100. Even the humble sardines were retailing at Rs 150, and mackerel, another staple food for fish eaters, was being sold Rs 300, another high compared to previous years.
Deputy director fisheries MD Prasad said: The purse-seiners whose main catch is mackerel and sardines have started fishing since the past two days. The catch has been low. But things should improve in a week. Black pomfret prices have reduced by 50%, and is now at Rs 300 per kilo. Sardines saw a decrease at Rs 105 per kilo. The sardine prices had seen a steady decline from the previous month by 10% every week. Smaller mackerels were sold for Rs 170 per kg.
In the beginning of the month, seer fish (whole) was retailing at Rs 780 to Rs 810 per kg, white pomfret was priced at Rs 1,100 per kg; black pomfret at Rs 605 per kg; sardines at Rs 150 per kg, and mackerel Rs 300 per kg.
The price of a seer fillet at Narayana Hotel in Bunder was Rs 145 from a high of Rs 200 per filler seen earlier.
The price of fried mackerel was also went down by 50% at Rs 60 from a high of Rs 110 per piece.