Mangaluru, Nov 22, 2019: Konkani movie "Benddkar" was released on November 22, Friday at a ceremony held at Big Cinemas in Mangaluru. The movie directed by Harry Fernandes features Varsha Usgaonkar, John D Silva, Kevin D Mello and Stany Alvares as lead characters while others in the star cast include Naisa Lotlekar, Deepak Paladka, Nikita Peris and Joseph Mathias.
The film revolves around Jacob, a brass band musician who is determined to save the dying art of a Benddkar.
Fr Andrew Leo D’Souza, Parish Priest of St Lawrence Church, Bondel blessed the occasion. Fr Cyprian Pinto, Parish Priest of Vamanjoor Church, Rohan Monteiro, MD of Rohan Corporation, JR Lobo, former MLA, Roy Castelino, former president of Konkani Academy, Director Harry Fernandes Producers Stany Alvares, Dolphie Rebello, Louis Pinto, President of Mandd Sobhan, actors Varsha Usgaonkar, Deepak Paladka and others were present.
The movie which is also dubbed in Goan Konkani will be released in Israel and Mumbai on November 29 and December 8 respectively.