mangalore today

Moodubelle: Centenary of St. Lawrence Parish-Belle celebrated with devotion and solemnity

Mangalore Today News Network

Moodubelle, 06 January 2011: The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast last year (January, 2010) dawned with morning chill and an air of excitement on 5th January 2011. There has been yearlong preparation both spiritually and materially for this grand day, once in a lifetime experience.  The interior and exterior of the church has been aesthetically decorated. Seating arrangement for the parishioners and people from neighbouring parishes has been adequately made by placing additional chairs inside and outside the church. Video screens for the benefit of those who were unable to enter the church due to paucity of space inside were placed at strategic points so that the people from outside could view and actively participate in the solemn centenary feast Mass.

The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast

There were two Masses in the morning-one at 6.30 am and the other at 7.30 am so that those parishioners who had to be at home in anticipation of the arrival of guests could attend the Mass on the feast day. People, both Christian and non-Christian were seen streaming inside the church premises right from 8.30 am offering candles  at the Shrine of St. Lawrence the ‘Miracle Worker’ for the favours received and pleading for additional favours. The stall-keepers were busy in arranging their wares in order to attract the potential customers.

Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop of Mangalore was received by the parish priest of Belle, Fr. Joswey Fernandes and members of the Parish Pastoral Council at 9.50 am. At 10 am, the grand procession of the Altar Servers, fifty priests from different parishes and also those from Belle serving in North India along with Rev. Fr. Mathew Vaz-Dean of the Udupi Deanery, Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza and Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the chief celebrant of the Centenary Feast Mass entered the church through the main door while the choir sang the entrance hymn.

The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast

Charles Quadros gave the preliminary introduction following which, the chief celebrant Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza in his introductory message said that the day is the most important in the history of the Belle Parish as it completed a century of its existence and invoked God’s blessings on the children, youth, old and sick and all the people of the parish.

The feast homily was delivered by Fr. Ronald Serrao, former assistant parish priest of Belle and presently Professor in St. Joseph’s Seminary, Jeppu-Mangalore. He said that Almighty God has worked wonders in this parish. Recalling the history of a century of the parish, Fr. Ronald said that the foundation that was laid hundred years ago in the form of Belle Parish has developed into a strong parish community. Centenaries, jubilees and feasts help us to recall the wonders that God has worked among us and it is an opportunity to thank Him for all that He has done to us.  Jubilees held us in renewing the bond between God and human beings and the bond among family and community members.  Fr. Ronald said that the life of St. Lawrence is a model for the youth of the parish. This year being the ‘Year of the Youth’.

The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast


The day that the parishioners of St. Lawrence Church Belle have been eagerly awaiting for a year since the inauguration of the Centenary Year during the Annual parish Feast

The choir sang extremely well  during the Centenary  Annual Feast. The choir had been trained by Br. Mahesh D’Souza and Fr. Paul Sequeira.

At the end of the Mass, Fr. Joswey Fernandes wished a happy Centenary Feast. He thanked Most. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza, the chief celebrant, Fr. Ronald Serrao for delivering the homily. He also thanked, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza, a native of Belle and presently Archbishop of Agra for participating in the Centenary Celebrations. He also welcomed Fr. Edwin D’Souza, brother of the Archbishop  who has come all the way from Canada and all the priests from the varado and neighbouring parishes and priests and sisters from Belle. Fr. Joswey expressed gratitude to all the people and the neighbouring parishes such as Shirva, Kanajar, Kuntalnagar and Pamboor. He thanked all the volunteers who helped on the Confraternity Sunday ‘annasantarpane’. He also thanked the choir, Pravin and Roshan Castelino for lighting the church and providing sound system. Fr. Joswey made a special mention of Commodore Jerome and Rose Castelino  and Valerian Alva-chairman of Belle Charitable Trust who have donated  two buses to the schools . They were offered ‘candles of honour’ by Bishop Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza.

There was a brief felicitation programme following the end of the Mass.  After a brief introduction and welcome  by Fr. Joswey Fernandes, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza released the Centenary Souvenir and the Book containing the brief history of St. Lawrence Parish through the Century (1910-2010) and the Journey of St. Lawrence Through the Wards. Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza honoured  the Archbishop of Agra, Most Rev. Dr. Albert D’Souza with shawl, flowers, memento and fruits. Fr. Paul Sequeira read out the felicitation in honour of the Archbishop. Next, the former parish priests-Fr. Harold Menezes, Fr. Charles Lewis, Rev. Dr. Valerian D’Souza and the present parish priest-Fr. Joswey Fernandes were also honoured.  Thereafter,  Fr. Paul Sequeira, Fr. Arun Mendonca, Fr. Lancy Saldanha were felicitated. Mr. Henry Fernandes  and Mrs. Meera Lobo, vice president and secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council respectively were also honoured.

In his message, Archbishop Albert D’Souza extended the best wishes of the Centenary and Annual Feast to the parishioners and said that  since three days being in Belle he became quite nostalgic about his childhood and hoped that there would be more vocations in the parish of Belle.

Fr. Joswey Fernandes honoured Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza with shawl, fruits, flowers and memento.

Addressing the parishioners, Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza complimented the priests and people of Belle on the occasion of the Centenary of the foundation of parish of Belle and said that the history of the past century was written by the forefathers of Belle and is being written by the present generation. There have been changes since the last hundred years. He said that the entire parish should act like a family and live in unity and harmony. If here is unity there would be strength. The family should the family of prayer and devotion. This age is that of progress, education and busy life. There may not be time for family prayers. But the Bishop made an appeal not to give up family prayers. We should become light to the children so that they may walk on the right path.

Mr. Henry Fernandes  proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was compeered by Mr. Raphael Aranha.

Bellevision Media Network had made arrangements for the live webcast of the Centenary Annual Feast Celebration.