mangalore today

Ram Mandir will be constructed in Ayodhya at any cost - Togadia

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Jan 2: Praveen Bhai Togadia declared in his keynote address that the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya will be constructed not just on 35,000ft of land, but on a 67-acre plot. He was addressing thousands of Hindus gathered for the Hindu Samajotsava held on Nehru Maidan on Jan 2, Sunday.


Speaking about the significance of the cow for Hindus, he said that Hindus believe the cow to be their mother and that cow killers will not gain health or wealth in life. Although the anti cow slaughter bill was passed to protect cattle, Governor H. R. Bharadwaj is casting all sorts of hurdles and trying to ban it in favor of the Muslims, he said, adding that Hindu organizations will not permit this to happen. He also wanted to know if Bharadwaj is the governor of India or Pakistan.


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Lamenting that farmers sell cows when they cannot give any more milk, he urged farmers not to forget that even cow urine is valuable and costs Rs. 30 per litre. He informed his audience that around 200 goshalas in the country are manufacturing useful items such as perfumes, toothpastes, soaps, face packs, and others from cow urine and dung and make crores of rupees from them. He therefore urged farmers to avoid selling cows to Muslims who slaughter the animals. He said that Hindus should try to protect the cow as much as they can irrespective of the governor’s decision about the bill. 

Speaking about Hindu religion, he said that it is a science of life and questioned if the Ram Mandir can be constructed in Mecca or Madina if it cannot be constructed in Ram janm bhoomi. Condemning Love Jehad, he said that Muslims convert Hindu girls and wreck the economy of the country. Stating that Kashmir was part of India even before Islam was born, he said that the Islamic Jehad is rearing its head to destroy India and its temples. 

Speaking about the Ayodhya case, he said that Muslims had stated that there was no Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and that Babar constructed a mosque on plain land. However, the Supreme Court instructed the government to investigate the issue; and when the Lucknow court took up the case, 54 temple pillars were discovered on the land. Warning Muslims that not even Babar’s father can construct a mosque at Ayodhya, he said that Hindus are willing to fight for their rights, construct a Ram Mandir, and hoist the saffron flag in Ayodhya. Babar’s mosque cannot be constructed in any part of India, he added. 

Reacting against Congress leader Digvijay Singh’s statement on the killing of Hemanth Karkare, he questioned if Singh is the brother of Pakistanis who attacked Mumbai on 26/11. Informing that Jehadis had demanded a separate Pakistan in the forties, he said that Gilani is demanding independence for Kashmir. He also said that, although there is only one Muslim League today, a dozen political parties are supporting the Jihadis. He condemned the government for talking of providing jobs to the families of slain terrorists when thousands of soldiers are being killed in Kashmir every day.


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In his address, Shri Vishweshwara Teertha Swamiji of Pejawar Mutt said that Hindu youth must create awareness on jehad and terrorism among Hindus. Forms of terrorism such as corruption are found even among Hindus, he stated. Stating that the central government has failed to tackle problems such as religious conversion and terrorism, he urged the Hindu people to build a Hindu country and fight against terrorism. While the saints will perform the work of Lord Rama, the Hindu youth must perform the work of Lord Hanuman, he advised, adding that the saints of today have pledged to remove untouchability from the roots and work hard to build a Hindu nation.

In his presidential address, Dayanand Pai of Century Group Bangalore said that Hindus should not stop at showing their love for their religion on the day of the Samajotsava, but should make it felt in their homes everyday. He said that the religion and the country should be put before one’s self, adding that love for family reduces love for country. He also promised to donate Rs. 1 crore for the construction of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.

In his benedictory address, Kolya Mutt Seer Ramananda Swamiji said that the saffron flag must be hoisted from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. Urging Hindus to forget their caste differences and work hard to protect their country, he said that Hindus should be satisfied only after constructing the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.

Reacting against the terms “saffron terrorism” or “Hindu terrorism,” Vajradehi Mutt Seer Shri Rajashekarananda Swamiji said that these terms have been coined by terrorists in the central and state governments.

Ravi Shankar Mijar delivered the welcome address; and VHP Chief M. B. Puranik delivered the introductory address.

Shri Gurudevananda Swamiji of Odiyoor and K. S. Nityananda, a scholar of Veda Vijnana Mandir at Chikmangalore, also spoke on the occasion.