mangalore today

St Agnes CBSE school organises Art Integrated Exhibition

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Mar 23, 2022: The CBSE board’s constructive approach to blended learning and depicting of culture and tradition in an artistic way was shown through an art exhibition at St Agnes CBSE school Mangaluru today bringing the traditional blend of Uttarakhand and Karnataka states of India.


St Agnes


St Agnes


St Agnes


St Agnes


St Agnes


The students, teachers of the school under the guidance of the principal put up an exuberant exhibition depicting the tradition, culture, food and various dance forms to show the blended learning of the states.

The exhibition was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Sr Dr. Agatha Mary AC former Superior General of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation. The dignitaries present were Sr Dr Lydia Fernandes AC the Joint Secretary of St Agnes Educational Institutions and Sr Carmel Rita AC the administrator of St Agnes college were the guest of honour for the occasion. Sr Edna Furtado Ac the administrator, the Principal, Vice Principal and Coordinator of the school.

The art and culture were well depicted and meticulously organised from 9am to 2.30pm with visitors being the parents, students from other neighbouring schools and college and sisters of the congregation. The entire atmosphere and ambiance brought in a lot of educative concepts to the visitors. The students presented their art form in creative way. The entire day was a grand affair for the hard work put up by all.