Udupi, July 28, 2023: National Commission for Women (NCW) member Khushbu Sundar on Thursday said there were no hidden cameras in the washroom of the college in Karnataka’s Udupi where a student was allegedly filmed by others. "There are rumours that there were hidden cameras in toilets. There is no truth in it, it is an institution, so there can’t be any hidden cameras," said the NCW member.
"We are talking to the police. The investigation from the police department and the investigation from our side will continue, and we’ll come to a conclusion very soon," she said.
Khushbu Sundar visited the college where three girls were suspended after they filmed another student in the women’s washroom. She also talked to the college officials for close to five hours.
#WATCH | Udupi Video Incident: NCW (National Commission for Women) member Khushbu Sundar says, "There are rumours that there were hidden cameras in toilets. There is no truth in it. False videos are going around. It is an institution so there can’t be any hidden cameras. We are… pic.twitter.com/zhDDSevgIX
— ANI (@ANI) July 27, 2023
The suspended students, Alimatul Shaifa, Shabanaz and Aliya were allegedly placed video cameras in the women’s washrooms to record their fellow students showering or using the toilets.
After a meeting with Deputy Commissioner Vidyakumari and Superintendent of Police Hakay Akshay Machhindra, Khushbu informed reporters that despite extensive efforts, no concrete evidence had been found. The investigations are ongoing, and Khushbu stressed the necessity for a comprehensive enquiry.
Both the NCW and the police have not discovered any evidence thus far, and until concrete evidence is obtained, a charge sheet cannot be filed, said Khushbu. The police have sent the mobile phones of the three girls alleged to have shot the video for data retrieval, Khushbu Sundar confirmed.
She said the NCW and the police are conducting their duties and will investigate the incident objectively, without assuming the role of judges. Khushbu assured that the NCW is fully committed to protecting women, irrespective of their community, and urged people to refrain from giving this incident a communal angle.