Moodbidri, Sep 18, 2018: Renowned Yakshagana Bhagavatha of the Thenkutittu style, Balipa Narayana Bhagavatha has been chosen for the Parthi Subba Award given by the Karnataka Yakshagana Academy. The Award carries a cash prize of Rs one lakh.
"Jayalakshmi" a compilation of 14 Yakshagana Prasangas authored by Balipa Narayana Bhagavatha and brought out by Yaksha Dhruva Patla Foundation has been chosen for the Rs 25,000 cash prize of the Academy.
Eighty year old Balipa Narayana Bhagavatha who has been serving the field of Yakshagana since over six decades has become a Yakshagana legend through his outstanding achievements,
Several Awards have already come his way including the Rajyotsava Award, Samaga, Sheni, Agari, Muddana Awards, Patla Award and Nudisiri Award.