Udupi, Mar 17, 2018: Pramod Madhwaraj, Minister for Fisheries, Youth Empowerment and Sports, said homestays will generate income for people living on the coastline. He was speaking after handing over the keys of tourist taxis to 19 beneficiaries belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minority communities at a function organised by the Department of Tourism on March 16, Friday. He also distributed 11 homestay certificates on the occasion.
Minister Madhwaraj said people having houses on the coastline can reserve one or two rooms for guests. This would bring them income. The tourists would also learn of authentic coastal culture by residing in their homestays.
The government had streamlined the process of getting certificates for homestays. The process used to take at least two years earlier. Now, interested persons had to apply online and their applications were processed in a week. It was essential that tourists were given good service, he said.
The government had increased the subsidy on tourist taxis from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh. Those using tourist taxis should act as ambassadors of tourism in the district.